Putting the Mouth Back in the Body

Oral health is inarguably the key to a healthy quality of life. Unfortunately, many people seem to forget.

The WHO states that most oral diseases and conditions share modifiable risk factors with the leading NCDs (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes). These risk factors include tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and unhealthy diets high in free sugars, all of which are increasing at the global level. There is a proven relationship between oral and general health. It is reported, for example, that diabetes mellitus is linked with the development and progression of periodontitis. Moreover, there is a causal link between high sugar consumption and diabetes, obesity, and dental caries.
Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia raised awareness of oral health by holding the virtual webinar ‘SDG-3 for Putting the Mouth Back in The Body: Future Health’, in November 2020.

Professor Raman Bedi was invited by the Dean of Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Dr. dr. Sabarinah, to discuss the Global Oral Health and the Importance of Integration with Public Health.
SDL-alumna, Dr. Irene Adyatmaka, Director of Global Oral Health Interest Group, Consortium of Universities for Global Health (GOHIG-CUGH) was also invited to speak. SDL-alumnus, Dr. Adang Bachtiar, Chairman, National Commission on Healthcare Quality and Cost (TKMKB - JKN) chaired the meeting.
The audience included 260 Dentists and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Public Health (medical doctors, midwives, nurses).

Click here to see Professor Bedi and Irene Adyatmaka explain more about this important campaign to Put the Mouth Back in the Body