Prof Musa Bajali
Dr Bajali was born and raised in Jerusalem, Palestine in 1963. He was raised, as any other Palestinian well aware of difficulties that have been laid down on every path, in every field as a result of political collisions. It has been always his belief that the well-being of mankind is the most important goal, and people should work together side by side to achieve that goal. This belief has drawn the map for his professional life and paved the ways toward cooperation’s for the benefit of both citizens, Palestinians and Israelis in the region. Dental and professional cooperation has shown that it may bridge the political gaps and help to hunt down the injustice that has haunted his people for years, and still. In 1981 he obtained his high school degree from the Collége Des Fréres Secondary School / Bethlehem and continued his education in Dentistry in Romania. He received his DDS degree in 1987 from Cluj Napoca, Romania. Alongside his dental education, he never stopped working for the welfare of his people through various community tracks. Dr Bajali started his career in the private sector having the opportunity to feel the needs of the people and interact with the Palestinian dental association and the Palestinian Ministry of Health. This interaction has increased his awareness of the need for well trained, well-educated dentists, and of course; the obvious need for the continuing education programs and advanced dental knowledge. It was a great opportunity to work on investing minds and growing souls committed to the well fair of the health status in Palestine. At this stage he began contributing to various continuous education programs organized by the Ministry of Health and others. In 2002 he gained his PhD degree from Bucharest Carol Davila, Romania and worked in various research projects in the field of relationships between the periodontium and microorganisms, the use of Biovitroceramics (PAW1) in the surgical treatment of periodontal disease and the manifestation of occlusal trauma upon the profound marginal periodontium. Upon his return to Palestine, he started with Al-Quds University in academic and administrative positions; Acting Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs and was Dean of Faculty of Dentistry from 2005 through September 2009. Besides being a faculty member of the Dental School at Al-Quds, he was appointed to be the Vice President of Student Services in April 2009. Since 2008, he was positioned as a Consultant for community dentistry and prevention and a practitioner of Implants and Periodontal and Gingival diseases at Al-Hayatt Medical Centers in Sheik Jarrah, Beit Hanina. Dr Bajali was the recipient of the Shils-Meskin Special Recognition Awards for leadership and commitment to educational and clinical programs along with Professor Adam Stabholz, Dean of the Hebrew University/ Hadassah School of Dental Medicine in August 2008.